The School of Educational Progressivism Philosophy and Its Implementation in the 2013 Curriculum


  • Faelasup Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sangatta Kutai Timur



Educational philosophy, students, 2013 Curriculum


One of the schools in educational philosophy is the philosophy of progressivism. namely a movement and association founded in 1918 by John Dewey who argued that knowledge that is true today may not be true in the future. Education must be child-centered rather than focused on teachers or specific content areas. According to Progressivism, the curriculum should not be universal but should vary according to the conditions that exist in the child and his environment; adapted to the characteristics of students (interests, talents and needs of each student) or chil centered; community-based; and is flexible and subject to change or revision. This research aims to describe the implementation of the educational progressivism philosophy in the 2013 curriculum. This type of research is qualitative research, the approach is library research. where the data and data sources are taken from the literature, namely by reading, comparing, and concluding from several figures' opinions. The analysis used in this research is content analysis. Based on the results and analysis, it is concluded that the implementation of the philosophy of educational progressivism in the 2013 curriculum, namely learning achievement, pays attention to the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The philosophy of progressivism in its learning uses a scientific approach, namely the process of observing, asking, reasoning, trying, and creating networks.


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How to Cite

Faelasup. (2024). The School of Educational Progressivism Philosophy and Its Implementation in the 2013 Curriculum. COMPETITIVE: Journal of Education, 3(2), 102–115.


